Cyber Security, Microsoft Exploring Microsoft Sentinel In a world where cyber threats pose a relentless and significant risk to both businesses and individuals, Microsoft S...
Cyber Security, Microsoft Cyber Security Insight: Exploiting CVE-2023-23397 Following recent security updates for the CVE-2023-23397 vulnerability, our Cyber team would like to highlight the se...
Microsoft, Partner FSP’s latest Microsoft Solution Partner designations FSP are proud to have been a Microsoft Partner for over 10 years. In October 2022, Microsoft adapted and refined ...
Client, Microsoft, Webinar Supporting organisations transition from SharePoint 2013 In April 2022, FSP and ShareGate co-hosted a webinar to guide organisations needing to transition from SharePoint 201...
Client, Hackathon, Innovation, Microsoft FSP leads BDO Power Platform Hackathon with Microsoft In April, FSP and Microsoft co-led a two-day Hackathon with our customer BDO UK LLP (BDO UK), centred around the Powe...
Client, Innovation, Microsoft, Webinar ‘Harnessing the Microsoft Power Platform in the Real World’ for Digital Leaders Week As part of Digital Leaders Innovation Week 2021, FSP and BDO co-led a session on ‘Harnessing the Microsoft Power Pl...
Microsoft, Podcast Less Code More Power Podcast: #CoffeeConnections with FSP & BDO UK LLP FSP joins the Less Code, More Power Podcast to discuss the #CoffeeConnections project, with customer BDO UK LLP (BDO ...
Microsoft, Partner FSP proudly joins the Microsoft Partner Pledge As a key part of the UK tech community and our local communities (both in the UK and Catalonia), we are proud to shar...