Transformation stories

Chris Knab – Service Desk Lead

1 min 7 August 2023

FSP sees potential and gives it opportunity – that’s certainly been my experience since joining 3 years ago. I look back over that time and think what a different person I was then compared to who I am now. FSP has helped me develop confidence and technical skills in an environment full of challenges, but with the safety to make mistakes (I’ve certainly made a few!).

I started at FSP during lockdown in 2020 as a junior member of what was, at the time, called the Service & Support team (we’re now the Managed Services team). I had a good few years working in support environments under my belt, but I was new to supporting much of the M365 world, and so I was grateful to Manik and FSP for taking a risk and hiring me! With a hunger to learn, and an eagerness to bring some value to the team during my first year at FSP, I helped put in place a number of processes to help the growth of the team as well as meet the internal IT support demands of the business. As the Service and Support team grew and we took on people in a similar role to me, I naturally leaned into taking some responsibility over things, and a few months later took on the role of Service Desk Lead. I’m now responsible for the Service Desk team within our Managed Services department and work with a lovely team of people that boast a vast range of skills and experience to help us support FSP internally, but also many different clients. The pace is fast, and at times things can be a juggle, but the Service Desk team gels together really well. We also operate really cohesively with the wider Managed Services team, and I believe that we deliver a great service to our customers.

We’re big on inclusivity at FSP, and I think FSP does a wonderful job in celebrating the many different backgrounds our people represent. I am a Christian and following Jesus is both the joy and ultimate priority in my life. Working for FSP allows me to stay true to my beliefs and I’m really happy that I get to be in an organisation that genuinely cares for people as well as celebrates them. I also work closely alongside people of other faiths within the Service Desk team, and one of my favourite things is discussing and celebrating our beliefs together, it makes us all that much stronger and better connected for it.

I’m so grateful to FSP for taking that chance on me three years ago. I’ve had a wonderful time working here, with some brilliant people that have helped mould and guide me into the person that I am today, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds. FSP is a great place to work, full of great people achieving great things together.